11月8日周三晚上,“小鱼说”与香港特区澳大利亚商会紧密合作,在CPA Australia的办公室,成功举办了以“用全球化思维助力职场和个人成功”为主题的大型职场线下活动。参加活动的近百位小伙伴们共度了一个充满能量、希望和温暖的夜晚。

01 遇见“小鱼说”

接下来,本次活动的赞助商香港特区政府驻悉尼经济贸易办公室的Deputy Director Henry Mak和香港特区贸易发展局的Director Bonnie Shek向大家介绍了香港最新的人才吸引方案以及Hong Kong Forum精彩的活动,鼓励大家积极报名参加。随后CPA Australia的Student Strategy Manager Ella Gu也向大家介绍了CPA Australia的概况、其遍布全球的网络和我们本次活动的主题也是完美契合。

几位嘉宾致辞完毕后,迎来了当晚活动的第一个高潮,“小鱼说”有幸邀请到了Executive Coach Koon, Jessica Wong-Saunderson, Tianyu Shi和Lawrence Puang给大家带来一场精彩的Panel Discussion。四位嘉宾你来我往,针对如何培养自己的global mindset帮助自己取得职场和个人成长的成功给出了自己的见解。台下的观众也是掌声、笑声不断。

Panel Discussion结束之后,本次活动的赞助商为嘉宾们送上了一份精美的小礼品,感谢他们毫无保留的分享。Steven也把自己的观点分享给大家:无论你是一名学生、一名年轻的专业人士还是一名经验丰富的专家,培养全球思维的旅程都是持续不断的。需要拥抱多样性、善于寻求新的体验、并不断拓展你的视野。世界正在以令人难以置信的速度发展,全球化思维无疑将是未来个人和职业成功的关键驱动力。

之后Steven给参加我们会议的小伙伴们带来了2023年9月出炉的2023小鱼说华人职业发展问卷调查的最新结果。这也是“小鱼说”连续三年实现NPS(Net Promoter Score) 40+的好成绩。这里也离不开“小鱼说”的职场教练团队、社群与品牌大使、我们的分享嘉宾以及每一位社群成员的贡献。
我们的活动在随后的颁奖环节中达到了另一个高潮。本次的颁奖,我们设置了Star Award和Brand & Community Ambassador Award两个奖项。Star Award是表彰在过去两年的职业发展中取得飞速进展,实现突破的社群成员。本次的两位获奖者分别是Chris Yang和Yina Tian.

Chris Yang
Our first winner joined the Fish Talk community early last year while holding the same position at her company for several years. Being the quieter person in a group, she may not stand out initially. but during our one-on-one conversations, I recognised her exceptional drive and capabilities. With the support of our coaching, and, of course, her own relentless effort, she incredibly secured two promotions within her company in less than 12 months. She has now assumed the role of Finance Manager, an extraordinary accomplishment. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in congratulating our Star Award winner, Chris Yang!
Yina Tian
Now, it's my pleasure to announce the second recipient of the Star Award. This member joined the Fish Talk community around 2020-2021 while pursuing professionalyear studies. She was puzzled and anxious about her future career prospects. Through dedicated coaching and, more importantly, her own hard work, she has made an impressive leap in her career. In just two short years, she has successfully transitioned into a Finance & Tax Analytical role, showcasing incredible determination and potential. It's no surprise to witness her success, and we have every reason to believe that she will achieve even greater things in her career. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in congratulating our Star Award winner, Yina Tian! Yina, we invite you to come forward and accept this well-deserved recognition.
接下来颁发的Brand & Community Ambassador Award则是为了感谢四位成为“小鱼说”品牌与社群大使才几个月的Vanessa Huang, Isobel Li, Natalie Tian和Doris Zhao。虽然任职时间不长,但四位的热情、活力和驱动力还是为“小鱼说”带来了不一样的积极变化。我们的社群也在不断地发展、壮大,离3000人的目标不远了。

Steven在这里也把颁奖词也分享给大家:Next, I'm thrilled to announce the Brand & Community Ambassador award. As a community leader, I've strived to connect with like-minded individuals who can help us bring even more value to our community members. I'm delighted to say that I've found these four wonderful ladies, who have become the heart and soul of Fish Talk as our Brand and Community Ambassadors.
Despite being in this role for only a few months, they've infused our community with boundless energy and positivity. With their incredible support and advocacy, Fish Talk is now organically growing and rapidly approaching the 3,000-community member mark. I have every confidence that we will reach this milestone within a few short months. Vanessa Huang, Isobel Li, Natalie Tian, and Doris Zhao, please come forward and accept these well-deserved awards.
Vanessa, Isobel, Natalie, and Doris, your contributions have been exceptional, and I hope that this journey has been as enjoyable for you as it has been for all of us.
I'd also like to extend special recognition to Natalie and Doris, who have taken time off and travelled from Melbourne specifically to help and attend tonight's event. Your commitment is truly remarkable.
我们的活动在香港特区澳大利亚商会新南威尔士州分会主席Sheldon Mak的致辞和部分参与活动的小伙伴们的合影中圆满结束。

02 Networking及活动剪影
